info deadlines

Info for participants

Official language

The official language of the conference is English.

Oral contributions
Plenary lectures will be held in plenary sessions, while oral communications will be held in parallel sessions. The following times are associated with the different types of talk:

  • Plenary lectures: 40 minutes, 35 for presentation and 5 for discussion
  • Oral communications: 20 minutes, 15 for presentation and 5 for discussion

Posters will be displayed in a dedicated area. Moreover, it will be possible to present the content of the poster through a flash communication during poster round tables, if specified in the registration form. More information on the round tables will be given soon.


Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo"
Polo Fibonacci - Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3
Pisa, Italy


By plane
Pisa has an international airport, Aeroporto Galileo Galilei (PSA), with daily flights to and from many national and international destinations. The airport is well connected to most European hubs, such as Paris, London, and Frankfurt, as well as with several other European cities and towns. A detailed schedule of the incoming and outgoing flights is available at the airport’s website. The airport is close to the city center, which can be reached with a short taxi drive (about 15€) or using a shuttle to the central train station.

By train
Pisa can be easily reached by train from many Italian and European cities and town. The main station is “Pisa Centrale”. Information and tickets can be found at the national railways website The train station is in the city center.

By car
Pisa is at the intersection of two toll highways, A12 “Autostrada Azzurra” (Genova – Livorno) and A11 “Autostrada Firenze-Mare” (Pisa – Firenze). Pisa is also served by the (toll-free) motorway “Strada di Grande Comunicazione Firenze-Pisa-Livorno”.

Reaching the conference center
Pisa is a small (and lovely) town. The conference center is within walking distance from the city center (about 15 minutes from the train station).

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Joint 50th Congress of the Physical Chemistry Division of the Società Chimica Italiana and 5th European Conference on Physical Chemistry
29.06 - 03.07, 2025 - Pisa, Italy | Info:
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